5 Best HTML Color Picker Plugins

5 best color picker plugins that works well across browsers including Internet Explorer. jQuery based color picker that can serve your needs well and comes with examples. These color pickers are easy to integrate in your projects.

1. jscolor Color Picker 

Super easy color picker with touch support. Include this if you want mobile support for your color pickers.  Link


2. jPicker - A jQuery Color Picker Plugin

Light weight, advanced color picker. Link


3. ColorPicker - jQuery Plugin

Color picker with controls like Photoshop. Simple component and light weight. Link


4. JQuery Palette Color Picker

Predefined template of colors if you want to restrict user to choose particular set of colors. Link


5. Farbtastic Color Picker

Circular color picker with a hue circle. Link


These are the best jQuery color pickers and plugins. You can use them in your projects. Comment if you know any other color picker that is lightweight and works across browsers. Follow us for others amazing plugins and libraries available.

Happy Learning.


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