Learn Android Step-By-Step With Example

If you are looking for beginner tutorials for android or just want to start in android or create simple
android app then you can follow below links. Go step-by-step through these tutorials to learn android. This tutorial are for creating a fully functional app(Just Maths) whose source code is provided in the end. Let's get started.

1. Create Android Apps - Getting Started

2. Create Android Apps - Hello Android

3. Hello Android - Basic App Project Structure

4. Just Maths - Android Activities and Layouts

5. Just Maths - Views, View Groups and Layouts

6. Relative Layout and Just Maths Screen Layouts

7. Android Button Click and Android Intent Example

8. Android CountDown Timer With Just Maths

9. Just Maths - Android App (Main Logic)

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Tutorial Video Series


  1. hi how can i make tab inside tabs

  2. sir your video is too good and very helpfull to me and my friends,,
    thank you...

    1. Thanks Manish. Share CheezyCode among your friends and stay tuned.

      Cheers from CheezyCode!!!

    2. Bhai video bahut acche hain aapse nice video but Android studio se a app complete Play Store per publish kaise karen yah Wale video bhai please banaa do

  3. you have super information,
    your should to make new video on android studio

  4. very good channel and information sir

    1. Thanks Yash. Share CheezyCode among your friends.


  5. Nice way to teaching plz add more videos on cheezycode hindi

    1. Checkout our new series - https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLRKyZvuMYSIOFU_38SBsu3JVnjjvgx-67

      Thank you for comment.

  6. Very good explanation sir, but I found it too fast(in terms of speaking), I had to stop video and play it again and again.....to understand...... Rest all is fine

    1. Point taken. I will consider this point for next set of videos. Stay tuned and do watch our next set of videos -

      Thank you so much.

  7. Sir make some more videos for other android apps.

  8. An error is occuring, your CPU does not support VT-x . I am using W-7 C2Duo processor. How can I fix it. Please help.

    1. Then you should connect your android smartphone with your pc or laptop and run app on your mobile

    2. you should enable virtualization in boot screen
      the process depends on which processor you are using
      search in internet to find how to enable it

  9. sir new video dallo jaldi plz waiting

  10. Hello,

    I need a simple tute for using .net web service who is returning data in xml and this data save to local android sqllite db please help me in this asap

  11. hello sir

    when i implement your Retrofit video fetch json data form server so that am getting some exception such type...

    11-24 12:01:52.798 14374-14374/com.example.vijay.technicalinfo E/AndroidRuntime: FATAL EXCEPTION: main
    Process: com.example.vijay.technicalinfo, PID: 14374
    java.lang.NullPointerException: Attempt to invoke virtual method 'java.util.List com.example.vijay.technicalinfo.PostList.getItems()' on a null object reference
    at com.example.vijay.technicalinfo.MainActivity$2.onResponse(MainActivity.java:92)
    at retrofit2.ExecutorCallAdapterFactory$ExecutorCallbackCall$1$1.run(ExecutorCallAdapterFactory.java:70)
    at android.os.Handler.handleCallback(Handler.java:751)
    at android.os.Handler.dispatchMessage(Handler.java:95)
    at android.os.Looper.loop(Looper.java:154)
    at android.app.ActivityThread.main(ActivityThread.java:6776)
    at java.lang.reflect.Method.invoke(Native Method)
    at com.android.internal.os.ZygoteInit$MethodAndArgsCaller.run(ZygoteInit.java:1518)
    at com.android.internal.os.ZygoteInit.main(ZygoteInit.java:1408)

  12. Sir Please Go Ahead You have doing well

  13. hello sir,
    agr maine recycler list view mai books ki list access krvai ho firebase se or mai chahta hu k jb kisi b book item pe click ho tou usk corresponding firebase mai save book ka link chrome pe redirect ho kr open ho jaye tou ye kese hoga .
    Mtlb k mai book ka data firebase database mai add krvata jau or sath un books k sath unki reading k leay links b dalta jau or phr list view mai un books ko unk corresponding link se open krvau
    How is possible??
    Please help !!!! I am making project .
    kindly reply fast
    thank you !!!

  14. Sir can you publish all about constraints layout...

  15. In your youtube video of gson,glideand recycler view the string type data is returned . If i want to change text color or modify the json data received how it can be done?

  16. Hello Sir, I am a subscriber of your youtube channel CheezyCode.I've seen and understand
    your blog API related tutorials, Just like you retrieve the post ;What do I have to do to retrieve the author's name? plz help

    send me code snippet

  17. Hello sir..
    I like your videos only...
    sir our videos kb upload karogy... plz upload more videos of android

  18. The Way you Teach is Amazing #Faaado_Bhai

  19. nice tutorial and videos it's really helpful for me.
    can you upload retrofit tutorial same as like volley

  20. Thank you sir,
    Very very good explanation i like your way of teaching cool
    But one suggestion could you please upload one more series of android with some another app development like Student attendance system etc. It would be more help full

    Overall excellent work

  21. Great Sir,
    Please make a video for Design Pattern in Android. hope way will be same ...\

  22. reat Sir,

    Please Make Video for Facebook login ang Google Login.

  23. please find mail form techsupermoon rkmalviyadashora I want coding and pay u money

  24. hi sir ur vedios are very very helpfull...you doing great job sir...can you plz make a full vedio on payment gateway...(how to get pay u id n how to integrate it on android studio ) in hindi language....
    and 1 vedio on auto contact sync recycler view....
    thank you

  25. Hi sir, Great videos. I like them very much, but you speak very fast, so I takes much time to understand though your videos are great.

    Please make android videos on payment gateway and SMS OTP.

    Thanks in advance.

  26. Kindly BLOB images ko fetch krny ka treeka bhi dy dain..... hm Blob image ko mysql sy php k through recycler view my kesy fetch kr skty hain

  27. Sir I m getting error in mainactivity file

  28. Here i visited your site and YouTube channel first time and I am really satisfy and happy here... Thanks for bringing this to us

  29. sir when i use a linear layout inside another layout and create button in it than the button is not shown in the screen.

  30. hi sir nice video and good work plz share all video

  31. this is very helpful for us and clear basic concept by this videos sir please i request to you..........make more this type of videos for us (this is very useful for that person who are not able to pay fee and not having time to join any other.....) over all its too good and helpful thank you.

  32. Thank you for taking the time to this information very useful!
    Android Application Development Pakistan

  33. This comment has been removed by the author.

  34. so much helping material with easy learning... please make it more easier to learn

  35. Please share video for services or intentservices

  36. Hello sir.
    I want to know if I can on application more arithmetic operators and generate multiple answers with different operators?Thanks.

  37. sir i need an app as like dream 11 can you help me


  39. Cheezy Code, I like your way to teach android, me aapka tutorials follow kar raha hu youtube me Thank you for great tutorial :) from Code Snail

  40. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  41. hi sir
    Please help me
    how to get longitude and latitude in android studio 3.5 version

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  43. This comment has been removed by the author.

  44. Thanks a lot.... we can't download the source code from the link, how we will download the source code ?

  45. nice Content
    Please make some more project base tutorials

  46. would it be helpful for your viewers/customers/clients/subscribers to name your android videos as

    " android #1 getting started"

    "android #2 hello world"

    & so on ,so that video serial number is visible at the very first look on any device

    & the thumbnail of video also shows the video's serial number along with topic

    android #1 getting started in hindi

  47. Sir aapki video mujhe kafi understandable hai mujhe Aapke jaisa lecturer Nahi Mila thanku sir,

    Sir mujhe jitne BHI arrays hai jisse listarray, collection ke baare me video banaye,mujhe confusion hai

  48. Hlo sir,
    I have seen Your you Tube videos then i make the same project.
    it works completely fine but at the end score-activity there is no Score has been shown.
    but it shows error :"uses or overrides a deprecated API." sir please explain this error .

  49. thank you for sharing this blog, it is very useful information related to android. Even we also provide the tutorial related to android. for more information visit trishana technology.

  50. Sir tutorail is really good and have done all.. But sir ak program aa rahe thi mare blogspot par about 150 blogs han or app me 30 load hone ke bad app crashed ho rahe he... Indexoutofbound exception post load nahi ho rahe han baki.. Plz sir how to solve it??

  51. sir mene download kiya app ka source code but error hai sir plesae help me


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