Kotlin Inheritance With Example

What is Inheritance?

  • Just like in real life, we inherit features and behaviors from our parents. Our parents inherit from their grandparents. We can apply this same logic in programming. 
  • While designing the classes we can extract out common properties and behavior in a separate class and other classes that require these features will inherit from this class - this will create a parent-child relationship among the classes.
  • In simple words, Inheritance is a way of organizing code in a parent-child relationship that helps in reducing code duplication. You define the functionality in a parent class that will be inherited by child classes. You don't need to define the same functionality in a child class - child classes will have it from its parent.

Inheritance in Kotlin

  • Inheritance in Kotlin is no different than any other programming language that supports Object-Oriented Programming. 
  • But in Kotlin, if you want to allow a class to be inheritable, you have to explicitly mark it as Open i.e. open for inheritance. Let's understand this with an example - 

open class Parent
    var parentProperty: String = "Parent"
    fun parentFn() = println("Parent function is called")

class Child: Parent()
    var childProperty: String = "Child"
    fun childFn() = println("Child function is called")
Explanation - 
  • Here we have defined 2 classes - Parent and Child. A parent is marked as open i.e. open for inheritance. This class has one property and one method.
  • Another class Child inherits from Parent class using a colon(:) followed by the name of Parent Class Constructor call i.e Parent()
  • This is how we inherit a class in Kotlin. Simply put a colon followed by the name of the parent class constructor call. 
  • Now child class objects have access to all the properties and methods defined in the parent class. They can treat these methods and properties as their own.

fun main() 
    val child = Child()
    println(child.parentProperty) // Parent
    child.parentFn() // Parent function is called
    child.childFn() // Child function is called
As you can see above, you can access parent's properties and methods from the Child class's object.

IS-A Relationship

  • Inheritance is also known as defining the IS-A relationship. While defining your class structure, you can look for classes and arrange them in a hierarchy if they follow IS-A relationship. For e.g. 
    • Car is a Vehicle, Truck is a Vehicle. Vehicle can be defined as Parent Class.
    • Circle is a Shape, Square is a Shape. Shape can be defined as Parent Class.
    • Full-Time Employee, Part-Time Employee. Employee can be defined as Parent Class.
    • Savings Account, Current Account, Credit Card Account, Loan Account. Account can be defined as Parent Class.
  • As you can see wherever we have an IS-A relationship, we can arrange those classes in a hierarchy and define the class structure accordingly.
  • One more concept that is very common in Object-Oriented Programming is the HAS-A relationship. For instance, Car has Engine. Engine has Cylinder and Piston. This also defines a relationship which is known as Composition.

Some Facts - 

  • Parent's Constructor is called before Child's constructor.
  • A class can have only one parent i.e. it can inherit from one single class.
  • You have to explicitly mark the class as Open if we want to make it inheritable.

That's it for this article. For more articles on Kotlin Tutorials For Beginner Series - refer to this.

Happy Learning !! Cheers From CheezyCode.


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